Step 1: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- If possible, preach a message on the value of community and small --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- groups (perhaps using Jesus and the disciples as an example). Successful --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- connections usually require three components: a vision cast on the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- importance of small groups; modeling by current leadership of being in a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- group; and easy connection to either a new group or an existing group. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Step 2: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Have a “connection event” after the service to get people into small --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- groups for the GIC campaign. Here are a couple of options: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 1. Have a modified Sunday service that concludes approximately fifteen --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- minutes early. At the end of the service identify all of your group leaders --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- by having them come to the front of the church. Then invite those willing --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to be connected in a group for six weeks, but who are not already in one, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- to follow you and the leaders out of the sanctuary/auditorium to one of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- two rooms. Those interested in a small group in someone’s home should --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- go to one of the rooms; those who would prefer a midweek or Sunday --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- group at church should go to the other. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- In the home-group room, have tables set up with red, blue, or white --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- tablecloths. Instruct people to go to the red table(s) if they want a --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- women’s group, blue for men’s, and white for couples and singles. Or --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- perhaps you’ll want to organize the home groups geographically. Have --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- leaders available at each table to welcome those who sit at their --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- table. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ...Read More